

在加州, 一个学习成为小学教师的人将努力获得多学科证书. This credential allows you to teach the variety of subjects offered at elementary schools.

证书课程 可以作为本科学位的一部分吗, meaning you can finish your bachelor’s degree 和 credential at the same time. 一些大学将其作为“混合”课程. 我们认为这是明智的. It will take 4-5 years depending on the pace you set for becoming a teacher.

肯考迪娅的 自由研究 major is part of California's Elementary Subject Matter Preparation (ESM) program. 因此, 康考迪亚大学本专业修读多科目证书的学生不需要参加加州科目考试(CSET).

如果你想在路德教会学校教书,你可以申请 路德教会教师证书 通过康科迪亚. 这可以通过你的本科专业和证书课程来完成.


教师教育项目的录取分为两部分. 你必须首先通过 大学录取 申请过程. 一个单独的 申请教育学院 会在你开始入门教育课程后完成吗.

加利福尼亚州要求所有教师资格证书的候选人满足基本技能要求和主题能力要求. This may include passing state-approved tests before certification no matter which school you attend.

学生教学及实习 初级考生.

对于转到康考迪亚的学生, 点击这里阅读更多.


学生教学是证书项目的最高体验. This is a full-time experience in two classroom settings for an entire semester (18 weeks). Generally, fall student teaching ends mid-January 和 spring student teaching ends mid-June. Multiple subject c和idates will gain experience in an upper 和 lower grade level setting.

了解更多关于 学生教学及实习 初级考生.


Professors in the School of Education are active participants in helping you reach your educational goals. 我们的课程由教师开发和讲授,他们将课堂技巧与最佳教学实践相结合, 现实世界的经验, 也是基督教的道德, 道德, 以及领导力的价值观.


本科教师资格认证项目联合主任 & M主任.Ed.
Dr. 迈克尔Schulteis has been a full-time faculty member in the School of Education since 2003, 专门从事科学和数学教育, 教学方法, 课堂管理与研究方法课程, 并指导研究生的研究项目. His educational 研究 has focused on evolution education in parochial schools.


本科教师教育项目联合主任 & 教师资格认证项目高级主管
Dr. 丽贝卡·斯坦顿 has been teaching in the School of Education at Concordia since 2005, 专门从事中学教学方法, 课堂管理, 差异化教学. 作为大学学生老师的导师和家长志愿者, 她在K-12的教室里度过了无数个小时. Her sons' special needs have inspired her interest in how the brain learns 和 how to set up positive, 包容性学习环境. She presents on various teaching strategies at local, regional, 和 national conferences.


One of our greatest assets 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 is our dedicated faculty. 在一个小的学习环境, 我们的教授关心你——不仅仅是你的表现——他们与他们所教的学生建立终身的师徒关系.



For more information about any of the many rewarding education programs 在欧文的康考迪亚大学, 我们邀请您直接与我们联系.

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